South Coastal AHEC serves as a community healthcare intermediary to the Coastal Bend Area. The Coastal Bend is an area of South Texas with a widespread of underserved rural communities and colonias and a shortage of healthcare providers. Our Center’s goal is to improve the health status of our community by standing in the gap and working to reduce health disparities due to access to care.
Health Fairs

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The nine counties of South Coastal AHEC consist of multiple underserved rural communities. Health Fairs are a healthcare resource for the people of the rural communities. As an AHEC, we sponsor and are involved in the rural health fairs in our counties. Between our organization and our partners, we are able to provide many health related services and preventative healthcare information to the communities with a problem of access to care. Our long-term goal is to find a healthcare home for each of the citizens in our counties.

South Coastal AHEC has partnered with South Texas Colonia Initiative in providing promotoras to the colonias. The Promotoras educate on issues related to the well-being of the family. They serve as resources in their neighborhoods. If they don’t know an answer to a question, they know how to find out the answer and help educate their community.
Food Bank

In partnership with the Coastal Bend Food Bank, South Coastal AHEC will continue with its monthly food distribution for the residents of Orange Grove and surrounding rural areas. Our mobile pantry provides over 200 families with healthy food and various educational resources on the 3rd Saturday of every month.
We remain grateful to all of our community partners and volunteers who help make this event an ongoing success. We remain diligent in ensuring that all of the necessary safety precautions are taken to ensure all volunteers, staff, and the community members remain protected against COVID-19.
Health Education

South Coastal AHEC is dedicated to improving the health of underserved communities in the Coastal Bend region of South Texas. By bridging gaps in healthcare access, our center works tirelessly to reduce health disparities and enhance the well-being of residents. We achieve this through various health education initiatives designed to empower individuals and strengthen the community’s overall health.
Promotion of Health Screening