Salud en Mis Manos/ Health in My Hands

What is SEMM?

Salud en Mis Manos is a community-based program designed to provide women with education regarding the prevention and early detection of breast and cervical cancer. We are able to offer eligible women free or low-cost mammograms, pap smears, and HPV vaccines. Our community health workers can provide this education to all surrounding communities and recruitment to help save lives!

Que es SEMM?

Salud En Mis Manos es un programa comunitario diseñado para brindar educación a mujeres sobre la prevención y detección del cáncer de mama y de cérvix. Ofrecemos mamografías, pruebas de papanicolaou y vacunas contra el VPH gratuitas o a bajo costo a mujeres elegibles. ¡Nuestros trabajadores de salud comunitarios pueden brindar esta educación a todas las comunidades circundantes y reclutarlos para ayudar a salvar vidas!

What We Offer:

  • Education on the Importance of getting screened
  • Making appointments for low-cost or free screenings
  • Navigation calls to assist with appointment and rescheduling

Contact Us!

For free/low-cost pap smears, mammograms, or CHW education sessions, contact Brittany Colunga at 361-881-8133 or