Continuing Medical Education

South Coastal Area Health Education Center (SCAHEC) CME Program offers continuing medical education activities for physicians in South Texas. These activities are designed to improve physician competence and patient care through evidence-based education. The program offers a variety of formats, including conferences, workshops, and online materials.

Advanced CME Initiatives

SCAHEC utilizes the ACGME/ABMS core competencies to develop content for our CME activities. These activities address identified gaps in physician practice and cover a wide range of specialties including ACLS, trauma surgery, oncology, cardiology, neuroscience, and public health. SCAHEC also offers CME activities in quality improvement initiatives, current ethical and professional responsibility issues, medical-legal issues, and other relevant topics. These educational activities are delivered through various methods including conferences, workshops, and online materials.

Goals & Expected Results

  • To provide physician-sponsored, physician-driven medical education that meets the needs of South Texas physicians particularly in the above target audience.
  • To provide new clinical information and to upgrade and refine existing knowledge.
  • To respond to identified needs on a regional level in the planning and implementation of CME activities in order to make CME activities more relevant to practice and to focus on the health status of patients and community.
  • To encourage collaborative CME within the area with an outreach program
  • To think strategically and build multilateral CME alliances with physicians, groups, and regional hospitals employing technologies to meet the educational needs of the area health care community.

SCAHEC is dedicated to assessing the impact of our CME activities by evaluating their influence on the clinical competence of our target audience. We use post-activity assessment tools to gauge clinicians’ readiness to implement specified changes or strategies in their practice. 

Contact Dr. Krall to learn more.